Let The Urban Factory build your child's confidence in 2025!

Please follow the links below for current class availability.

Simply complete the form to be sent the correct booking link or schedule.

We look forward to welcoming you to The Urban Factory, The home of North East Cheer, Tumble and Parkour.

GYM TOTS: 2 - 4 years

For children aged 2 - 4 years. Our pre-school classes are the perfect introduction to Gymnastic classes. Parents can join their child for class which is 45 minutes long, followed by 15 minutes of free play. 

A gym full of climbing obstacles for young children.

GYMNASTICS: 4 years +

Sign up for our 4 week beginners Gymnastics Course now!

We are thrilled to be delivering the National Gymnastics Awards Programme for your Tiny and Mini Gymnastics Classes. From here, gymnasts and progress to our non competitive Tumble Academy or competitive Cheerleading Programme with North East Cheer.

Three groups of girls, each supporting a girl who they are holding above them and who is balancing on one leg.


Sign up for our 4 week beginners Cheerleading Course with North East Cheer now!

The Urban Factory is the home of North East Cheer, the regions most established Cheerleading Programme.

North East Cheer offer classes in Cheerleading, Gymnastics and Tumbling. These classes are ideal for your child to build confidence, make friends for life and have fun. 

Three groups of girls, each supporting a girl who they are holding above them and who is balancing on one leg.

PARKOUR TOTS: 2 - 4 years

For children aged 2 - 4 years. Our Parkour Tots classes are the perfect introduction to Parkour and Ninja. Parents can join their child for class which is 45 minutes long, followed by 15 minutes of free play. 

A gym full of climbing obstacles for young children.

LITTLE TUFFERS: 3 - 5 years

Little Tuffers is a fantastic intro to Parkour and Gymnastics. Jump, run and climb in this fundemental class building core stability and strength. 

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NINJA GYM: 5 - 8 years


Our Ninja classes offer a perfect blend of Fitness, Gymnastics and Parkour. Members will improve strength, coordination, balance and fitness whilst having fun in a safe and coached environment. 

Be sure to sign up by clicking below.

A gym full of climbing obstacles for young children.

PARKOUR: 6 years +

Our Parkour Kick Starter Programme teaches the fundamental skills needed to practise Parkour safely in a 4 - 5 week beginners course. 

As the only provider of Parkour in our region, and the only purpose built Parkour structure, we wanted to ensure that when new members join our club, they get the best start.

After graduation from our Kick Starter Programme, members will then be invited to join our weekly Accelerate classes, where more detailed parkour tricks and skills are learnt!

Someone flipping off of parkour equipment